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Industry 4.0... Digital transformation makes it possible to reduce costs and increase productivity in all areas of the company through connectivity and analysis of the data obtained from asset monitoring. Contextualizing all the data, eliminating the "Information Islands" and creating a true operational intelligence center allows leaders to make decisions assertively and more quickly, reducing operating costs, managing risks, raising the company's level of competitiveness and consequently increasing its results. Our solutions:
  • Integration with multiple data platforms: with connectivity and complete visibility, natively supporting a fast, scalable and secure connection of the most used industrial equipment. Combining data from applications and IT systems, with access to a complete digital representation of your equipment, lines and industrial facilities from anywhere in the company.

  • Intuitive, user-friendly interfaces that offer a clear view of operations, combining data from various IT and OT sources, tailored to each function. function. An industrial manager, for example, can view the overall performance of a facility, or several facilities, before looking into the performance of specific equipment or factors affecting Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).

  • Advanced and automated IT and OT analytics transform large amounts of raw data into practical information to improve performance and reduce the impact of downtime. Through Artificial Intelligence technology, users can react proactively to problems before critical failures occur, prescribing corrective actions.

  • Collaborative robots: capable of interacting with other machines and with human beings, acting in a more flexible and optimized way;

  • Augmented Reality: Support that allows the user to act within the cyber-physical systems (CPS) with an assertive view and tutorial indicating step by step all the instructions and commands necessary for a repair or a new process parameterization;
  • Our strategic alliances to
    offer the best solutions!